It's been a while since I've written. I'm learning that most promises that include scheduling time to keep aren't likely to last long so I won't promise a date for a future blog. To be honest, I don't know if anyone will actually read this one. I'm ok with that though and that's a new thing as well.

A little catch up on what's been going on with me for those that are wondering is in order. The last two years have been a whirlwind and I'm still watching things settle at the current time. So what's happened since August 2012 when we moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota from Little Rock, Arkansas? Well, I'm glad you asked! Here goes:

Laura and I found out we were having a baby. That baby is her and named Anna. Since then we found out we were having another by God's grace! Little John is on the way as we speak! 


I enrolled at Bethlehem College and Seminary and started the DCP! Then I dropped out as I was unable to raise the necessary funds. Guess what though! By God's grace I'm back enrolled and paid up for the first semester! Lord willing I will endure and the Lord will provide what is needed to finish strong! 

I performed at the BIGGEST concert of my life…..and then I stopped making music. Yup. Just stopped. But why you may ask. Well, again, I'm glad you asked! Basically, I learned so much my first semester of school at BCS that I fell in love with the Bible and I was also convicted about writing about subjects it became painfully apparent I still had a ton to learn about. I piddled around and made a few songs, but my heart wasn't in it. It was still knee deep in the Word of God and I am excited about that. May it stay that way for the rest of my life! I wouldn't mind really being led to overflow into worship making some God exalting and Jesus Christ glorifying rap music! If it is His will, I pray it come abundantly! 

We bought a house. We moved with specific intention into "Near North" Minneapolis with a goal of ministering to our community. To be honest, we have been ministered to more than we have ministered. This has been a good gift and we are humbled and blessed by it.

We joined a small group…and fell in love! I couldn't ask for a greater group of brothers and sisters to live life alongside! 

I got into my new job, lost it through restructuring, and got a new one on the same day I lost the one that brought me to Minneapolis. I am still working for the same company, but now work across three states and out of a fourth. What a journey Christ Jesus has taken me on through work! 

We went to a state fair and hung out as a married couple! What a gift! I love my wife and for those who knew us, we struggled financially for a looooong time! Even with three jobs, we weren't able to do such a thing! I avoided the cheese "curds" and have since learned I cost myself something awesome! Live and learn.

Pastor Bud Burk taught me how to lead family worship! Yup. I didn't really know how to lead family worship. I hadn't seen a whole lot. My Dad did do some, but there was much to be desired. Pastor Bud counseled me and gave me resources. It's changed our home dramatically! I hope to be able to continue the joy of teaching others how to enjoy our Lord in family worship while spending time pursuing Christ and the knowledge of His gospel with my wife and children.

I could go on and on and on….and I just might! Hopefully, I will be able to make a quick video ever so often to loop everyone in on what is happening. I'm not great at doing that, but with God's help who knows, right? 

Thanks for taking the time to check up on us. I could use your prayers and would like to ask for them if you don't mind. I want badly to "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." (2 Tim. 2:15). That is my goal for at least the next two years. It will not be easy. It will be time consuming. It will cut into time with my family. It will press back against other time consuming functions. I need God's help to learn and to love well. I need wisdom in different times where decisions will need to be made and I will need strength to endure.

I could also use prayers for what I will be doing with this training and where I will serve in Jesus Christ's church. We love Minneapolis and we miss and want to serve our family back home as well. Then there are so many other places with needs. Wherever we go, it will be our joy to make much of Christ.

Grace and Peace,



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