I think this picture is worth sharing. We have it pretty good in the USA. I'm thankful. But it can be pretty easy to forget that some kids don't get long to enjoy "innocence". Jesus cares very much for the orphans and those that live in the grip and cloud of darkness. He calls His children to be a light in the darkness. It can be hard to be a light in the darkness if you flee from it. 

Please join us in prayer for the children of North Minneapolis this week. Please pray once a day that God would enter the darkness and that His hands and feet, His children, would be able to love them by planting gospel seeds and providing for needs that are there in their lives. The future of North Minneapolis is right there looking over the police tape. There are so many children and families to care for here. Please pray we run to, not from, those in need here.

Thanks for your prayer. 

If you are led, we will be praying each night around 8pm cst. You could join wherever you are to cry out to our Lord. He loves to answer the prayers of His children.

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