Issue: Reverence for God’s Name

Today’s prayer is for the desire we have behind all other desires. We began this blog with several daily needs in the context of the challenges people in North Minneapolis face. God cares for our daily needs. He makes this clear all over the Bible. We may differ in personal opinion as to what is a daily need in regard to our opinion versus God’s, but there is no real argument from Scripture that God does not care for our daily needs. He cares about His children because of His character, His nature. It naturally flows out in all of His actions. But our desire, and arguably His desire, is that His name be viewed as it should be: Holy. Matthew 6:9 contains the prayer Jesus preserved for each of His disciples to pray. Our Father who is in Heaven, hallowed (holy) be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Unlike most religions, Christianity teaches us God is our Father, not some unknown, separated/distant, or unrelatable person or force. This view of God as our Father is the God of the Bible. We see that He is the Creator of all men in Genesis 1. He even blesses mankind and gives them work to do. But to those He has revealed Himself to through Christ, we know Him in a more personal way. We have been adopted into His family as His children. He is the good Father who cares about us and has removed every obstacle between us (sin, death, law, Satan, etc) so that we can boldly come before His throne. He has also given us what we most need (forgiveness, faith, redemption, the righteousness of Christ, etc) so that we can be eternally blessed. But none of this is simply for the sake of coming to Him. 1 John teaches us that we have this gift to pray on behalf of one another as well. We don’t just want to worship our good Father, God, by ourselves. No. We want His worship to the fill the hearts of every nation, tribe, tongue, and square inch of earth. We want to celebrate Him in the midst of brothers and sisters who know and love Him too.

This prayer, that God be known (really known) as who He is and thus worshipped is the beating heart behind every action and thought that flows forth from us. We want what is most blessed for each person we meet and live amongst in North Minneapolis: to know God and worship Him. That is why we want to plant here. That is why we want to live sacrificial, giving lives. This is why we fight for justice and opportunity. This is why we care about daily bread, forgiveness, and deliverance from evil. This is why we desire to see homes that image the Trinity and showcase Christ and the church in marriage. Everything we do is because it is better when we get to live this life. It is a great gift to be in a world full of image bearers that remind us of the heart of God. We want joy, so we seek God’s glory. They work hand in hand.

Please note we don’t want “forced” or fake glory. We don’t live the way we live in giving and serving to dupe people into going along to get the benefits. No. We love by giving and serving and interceding because this is what God has done for us (while we were yet sinners). This is unconditional grace. We love without condition. We don’t love as long as it makes sense as long as there is hope of conversion because of a response. We may never receive a response. We may die before we see one conversion. But this life is the life of joy. It is better than any other option for how to live. And God loves to bless it.

Please pray for the gospel proclamation to go forth and the image of God to spread in North Minneapolis, as flawed as we may be. Please pray that our neighbors would join us in corporate worship and in service, giving, and intercession for each other grounded in the joy of knowing God in Christ Jesus. Pray that God would plant gospel seeds that would result in abundant, eternal life for the kids in our neighborhoods. Please pray that worship would transform North Minneapolis in such a way that missionaries would flow in (to see the work God has done and be equipped) and flow out (to seek worship by gospel missions throughout the world). Pray we (myself and my family included) would see more and more of the glory of God in Christ Jesus. 

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