Mike Streezy presents BEAM ME UP PARTY NIGHT!

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Beacon of Hope Church, 2827 N. Newton Ave, Minneapolis

It's finally SUMMER! SCHOOL IS OUT! It's getting HOTTER! Days are getting LONGER! And we are ready to party! BEAM ME UP PARTY NIGHT!!!! is a Christian Rap and Rock Concert set up as a themed party! We plan to go all out! Make sure you to wear your neon gear and any any glow in the dark accessories you may have! BEAM ME UP!!! will feature some of the best local and regional Christian rap and rock artists in the Twin Cities. We will be breaking new artists and showcasing regional level talent. We will also have several testimonials from Twin Cities Christians who know how much God can change lives. Prior to our headlining act, we will have a short gospel devotional. There will also be door prizes, games, and more! You will not want to miss this event! Youth Groups and Churches welcome.



For more information or to submit music for consideration as an artist in the BEAM ME UP Party Night!, send submissions to streezy@mikestreezy.com. Make sure to write "BEAM ME UP SUBMISSION" in the email Subject line. To Partner, contact Mike Streezy at streezy@mikestreezy.com and include BEAM ME UP PARTNER in the email subject line.

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