TRAVEL WITH US EPISODE 3 A Meditation on Purpose from Ephesians 1:3-14

TRAVEL WITH US is a series of videos where I share some of the steps and insights we come across as we prepare to launch a church plant in North Minneapolis. I plan to take you through the steps to catching God's vision for the church up to the point of preparing and launching that vision in your context. Episode 3 is titled A meditation on purpose from Ephesians 1:3-14 Summary: In this episode, Mike shares a meditation on Ephesians 1:3-14 which has been a key passage in thinking through God's purpose in Creation and God's purpose in the specific creation of the church. The goal of this video is to take you through the passage and enjoy the gift of knowing God's purpose(s). Hopefully, this passage will fuel you as you seek to understand your calling in church planting.

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